IT security

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Technology Cloud Computing HIPAA compliancy IT cost optimization IT Security

Maximize Your Software Development by Harnessing the Power of Private Clouds

In today’s fast-paced software development environment, efficiency, security, and scalability are paramount. Moving your development processes to a private cloud can provide significant advantages, enhanc...

Benefits of VoIP Telephony
Email Protection Email Security IT Security Security

Benefits of VoIP Telephony

Communication saw a significant revolution with the introduction of landlines. The year 1995, however, brought a hint of the future – the very first VoIP phones became available to the public, ensuring the poss...

phishing attack blog featured image
Email Protection Email Security IT Security Security

Stay Alert, Stay Secure: Battling Ongoing Phishing Email Attacks

Table of Contents Understanding Phishing Attacks What is Email Phishing? Common Types of Phishing Scams: With Examples Spoofed Sender Address Urgent or Alarming Content Deceptive Links Malic...

Email Security Policy
Email Security Blog Email Protection IT Security

Back to Basics: How to Write a Company Email Policy

INTRODUCTION Every company needs an email policy.  This is to protect employees as well as the firm.  The purpose of an email policy is to set proper expectations with your employees.  What...

Blog Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Technology

How to Protect your Company from Cyberattacks

Why cyber attack protection matters Let me begin with a hard truth: Your company is at risk from cyberattack. It’s true, every firm is at risk, and most will be attacked in some form, at some poin...

Business IT strategy and risk assessment
Blog Technology

IT Assessment and Your Business

The IT Strategy and Risk Assessment can align your business and IT goals and help grow your business. Table of Contents Why IT Assessments Matter IT Strategy And Risk Assessment Origins What Is...

private data security_v2
Blog Cloud Computing Security

Advance2000 Private Data Center Security

When clients move their business to the Advance2000 Data Centers, they want to know that their businesses are protected and their data is safe.  This is the primary concern for businesses and rightly so.  This ...