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Cloud Availability

Our Promise

Cloud Availability is the up-time of the Services for our Customers.  The Services are not limited to virtual desktops and servers, physical desktops, servers, backups and telephony, collocated equipment provided from Advance2000 (A2000) data centers.

A2000 will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Services are available with a Monthly Up-time Percentage of at least 99.9%, in each case during any monthly billing cycle (the “Service Commitment”).  In the event the Services fall below the Service Commitment, You will be eligible to receive a Service Credit.


  • Monthly Up-time Percentage is calculated by subtracting from 100% the percentage of minutes during the month in which the Services were unavailable
  • Monthly Up-time Percentage measurements shall exclude: (1) downtime resulting from third party failure such as Internet or Wide Area Networks connecting You to the Services. (2) Force Majeure (See Terms and Conditions). (3) Suspension or termination of the Services, scheduled maintenance windows, equipment not compatible with VMware or Microsoft or not recommended by A2000. Services provided by A2000 to restore Your service due to the use incompatible equipment or caused by You shall be billable separately.
Monthly Uptime Percentage
Service Credit Percentage
Less than 99.9%, Equal to or greater than 99.0% (If downtime exceeds 44 minutes per month)
Less than 99.0% (If downtime exceeds 7 hours and 18 minutes per month)

A2000 will apply any Service Credits against future payments. Service Credits will not entitle You to refunds or payment made to You by A2000.